Traveled almost three hours to Wonju to see one of my favorite artists, James Turrell's work at Museum SAN ⛰️ (Space Art Nature). Turrell harnesses light to create striking illusions and shape our perception and experience of a defined space. As you step into his works (📷prohibited), you become strangely conscious of your sense of sight and how susceptible it is to manipulation by light. Objects appearing to be tangible reveal themselves to be intangible and an empty space suddenly appears to stretch out infinitely when your peripheral vision is obstructed. Your mind knows it's impossible, but your eyes still believe the illusions. Aside from his exhibition, the museum itself (designed by Tadao Ando) is an awe-inspiring masterpiece of its own. Built into the ridge of a mountain with pools painted by the reflections of the fall foliage and blue sky, it is a poetic, tranquil coexistence of minimalist architecture and lush nature. Well worth the trip, but I decided to catch the sunset at SAN and subsquently got stranded in Gangneung after missing the last bus back to Pyeongchang. 💩